Welcome to Ngora Freda Carr Hospital

John 10:10
...I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. 

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Ngora Freda Carr Hospital (NFCH) is a Church of Uganda Based ( Kumi Diocese), and a non for profit organization offering quality and affordable health care services. The hospital has served communities in the Teso region and beyond since 1922. Read more


A Christ Centered Institution providing holistic quality health Services.

To promote health, prevent and eliminate suffering due to disease, and train competent professionals Christ being our help.


- Community Health Cooperatives Scheme
- Specialized Clinics
- Clinical Laboratory Services
- Imaging & Radiology
- OPD and IPD care
- Obs and Gyn Services
- Theatre Services and surgical camps
- HIV/AIDs Care
- Mortuary Services

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Ngora Freda Carr Hospital (CoU) received an award from the Director General Health Services, Ministry of Health, for being a Baby Friedly Health Facility on June 2023.

What has been happening at NFCH
February 29, 2024
The newly constructed Incinerator

The incinerator is now operational and is used for burning hazardous materials

Handover of the incinerator
February 29, 2024
Official Handover

Ngora District LG and JMS representatives officially handover the newly constructed Incinerator to Ngora Freda Carr Management

MOU with New Hope Kobwin
February 8, 2024
New Hope Uganda - Kobwin partners with Ngora Freda Carr Hospital

A photo moment after the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding

Surgical Camp
November 6, 2023
Free   Surgical Camp

Ngora Freda Carr is conducting a free ( no operation costs) surgical camp from 6/11/2023 to 17/11/2023.  Patients will only pay for Consultation, Laboratory and other investigation costs. Among the operations covered are: Hydrocele, Goiter, Urethral Strictures, Hernia etc.

VIP Latrine
November 2, 2023
Commissioning of the VIP latrine

The VIP latrine was commissioned on 2/11/2023 by RDC, CAO, LC5 Ngora district, and Chaplain representing the Church of Uganda Kumi Diocese. Other members present included the hospital management team and members of Ngora DLG.

VIP Latrine
November 2, 2023
New VIP Latrine

This VIP Latrine was constructed with PHC Funds for FY 2022/2023 supported by Ngora DLG.
The latrine has five pit latrines and two bathrooms. One of the pit latrines is for use by the disabled persons.

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Sept 19, 2023
New Automatic X-ray Film developer

Setting Up of the Automatic X-ray film developer. Thanks to our donors represented by Dr. Angelo, Teresa and Jane.

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Aug 17, 2023
Sickle Cell Disease Training

Sickle Cell Disease Training and the launch of Sickle Cell Disease Health Services 

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Aug 10, 2023
Streamline EMR Training

A team from Streamline Health training staff of NFCH on use of the Streamline Electronic Medical Records system.


In addition to renovation works taking place in order to improve infrastructure, there has been a marked investment in Human Resources as well as equipment

In addition to a full time pediatrician, and a weekly visiting gynecologist, we have recruited a surgeon, Three (3) doctors, one seconded by government, Three (3) Clinical Medical Officers, Senior nursing officer (SNO), dedicated team of nurses, midwives, pharmacy, laboratory, sonographers, theater and teaching staff, not to mention the vast support staff both in the hospital and the training school.

Received a theater bed/operation table, and other medical equipment, as well as refurbishing the surgical theatre and the maternity as a donation from Rotary club, of the city of reading in the U.K and rotary club of Kampala central.

Received four (4) solar lighting units as a donation from solar link initiative U.K.

The administration with the help of partners and internal resources also Procured new beds and linen as well as repaired the old ones, Renovated the X-ray room and reinstated both X-ray and Ultra sound services, acquired the Hematology machine working in the laboratory. Reinstated ambulatory and mortuary services

Other Construction works are ongoing, other concluded projects include
• Construction of two pit latrines for two staff quarters.
• Improvement of Adwoka water pump system,

The Nursing  training school has also Commenced a Diploma in Nursing and Midwifery Extension program.

Teso Development Trust
Ministry of health
Joint Medical Stores
Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau

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